
is wd40 bad for car paint

Every bit an auto appraiser, I accept oft wondered if WD-twoscore is safe to apply on auto pigment or whether it would hurt the cease. Scrapes and scuffs on the paintwork of a car are frequent. Sometimes, it is not until you start to handwash your car that you notice the imperfections. If you don't have machine smoothen or a paint pen, would WD-40 work? Or would it impairment the motorcar's paint?

WD-40 is safe and will not hurt your car'south pigment job. WD-forty is mineral oil-based and actually adds additional corrosion protection to the finish and protects the clear coat. Simply make sure you wipe off the excess, or your vehicle may look greasy and attract dust easily.

If you programme to use WD-xl on car pigment, it is recommended that y'all try this type, institute on Amazon. It'southward much easier to apply versus the regular version.

WD-40 is a common household item that has more uses than you may realize. It is usually used instead of car smooth to fill in smaller scuffs and scraps on auto paintwork. Furthermore, WD-twoscore is excellent at removing dirt, bird droppings, bugs, and tar. Information technology is entirely condom to use not only on motorcar paint only as well on well-nigh machine surfaces, including interiors.

Why Volition WD-40 Not Harm Your Paintwork?

WD-40 Spraying on Car Paint

WD-40 does not contain anything that will harm your auto's paintwork. Although the exact ingredients are a trade surreptitious, we know that it is a unique blend of lubricants. In fact, the manufacturers opted not to patent the formula back in the 1950s to protect their secret blend. The WD stands for water deportation, and its master role is to displace moisture from surfaces. The xl comes from fortyth – therefore, this was likely the fortythursday attempt at making a suitable mixture.

Despite the secrecy around its formula, we have some ideas as to what it contains due to disclosures needed for the material prophylactic data sheets (MSDS) that all chemicals need to have before it is distributed. From the MSDS, we tin discern that WD-xl contains:

  • 45-50% of an aliphatic hydrocarbon like kerosene to create a low vapor pressure
  • <35% of heavy not-chancy kinds of paraffin which comes from petroleum-based oils
  • <25% of flammable aliphatic hydrocarbons
  • 2-3% of carbon dioxide to make WD-40 into a propellant

Aliphatic hydrocarbons are those that do non comprise aromatic rings in their structure. This makes them easier to break down and are oft combustible. Further chemical interrogations of WD-twoscore demonstrated that it generally contains relatively small alkanes of C9 to C14 and mineral oil. For reference, marsh gas, the simplest alkane series, has iv carbons. Mineral oil is derived from petroleum. Therefore, the chemic limerick of WD-xl is not-reactive with car paint and is perfectly rubber to use.

Originally, WD-40 was manufactured for the American aircraft company Convair (previously Consolidated Vultee). Its purpose was to coat the exterior of its Atlas missile to protect it from rust and corrosion. Equally its intended purpose is precisely the same equally using it on car pigment, information technology is unsurprising that WD-40 will not destroy the paintwork.

A few years after its invention, WD-xl'southward utility was noted, and it was widely released to the public in 1958.

As its intended purpose is precisely the aforementioned as using information technology on car paint, information technology is unsurprising that WD-40 will not destroy the paintwork.

Related half dozen Handy Alternatives to WD40.

Why Would you Want to Employ WD-forty on Car Paint?

WD-40 is very like to car shine and has many properties that brand information technology an attractive product to use on your automobile.

When sprayed, the viscous oil and alkanes spread over the surface. The hydrocarbons allow the oil to wick into small areas, such as scratches or crevices on your car's paintwork. Over time, the hydrocarbons evaporate, leaving the lubrication oil alloy behind.

The WD-forty mixture too contains anti-corrosive agents. The mix of oils and anti-corrosives protects your paintwork by replacing the topcoat that was lost when it was scratched. Ultimately, this volition protect the lower pigment layers, keeping the color vibrant.

The chemical properties of WD-40 too brand it an fantabulous substance for protecting your paintwork from getting dirty. The same fine layer that fills in imperfections also coats the paint with a water-resistance layer. Every bit a result, bugs and grease build-up at a far slower rate than when WD-40 isn't practical.

One time the dirt has built up, WD-40 is splendid at removing clay, grease, bird droppings, expressionless bugs, and even pigment transfers. It is gentle on the paint surface as you scrub with it every bit the blend does not comprise whatsoever abrasive components. Instead, the chemical mix gets underneath the stain to softly lift the clay or stain away. I recommend using the foam version (click to see Amazon listing), if you want to use it as a protectant.

Once you have use WD-40 on your car, you volition want to wash your automobile with lather and water to remove all the backlog oil. Otherwise, it will concenter dust very hands.

WD-xl Can Help More than than Your Auto's Paintwork | 5 Other Uses

Spraying WD40 on a Blue Plastic Chair
  1. Proceed the bugs and dirt away
    As WD-40 coats the surface with a lubricant, information technology is effective at creating a shield against flying bugs and mud. Spray WD-40 onto your windshield and your car's grill, and it will stop expressionless bugs or mud from sticking to your vehicle.
  2. Clean oil
    WD-forty is a degreaser. Therefore, it will remove water-insoluble substances like oil. It is fantabulous for spills occurring during an oil alter, whether it is on your driveway or hands. To clean, spray WD-xl on the affected area and wash information technology off. Once finished, rinse with soap and h2o.
  3. Prolong wipers and gaskets
    By spraying your windshield wipers and the door gaskets (conditions stripping) with WD-40, they retain their pliancy, which extends their lifespan.
  4. Spark plug maintenance
    If your spark plug is having problems in wet weather, a common reason is due to the build-up of water. WD-xl volition readapt any moisture away from the ignition distributors and let your motorcar to start. Simply don't utilize it on brakes.
  5. Universal cleaning
    Other than giving your auto's paintwork a smooth, WD-40 can likewise make clean your license plate, mudguards, tire sidewalls, etc. Almost every surface on the exterior of your car can benefit from an awarding of WD-xl.
  6. Remove Stickers
    I really did an experiment recently to encounter if WD-40 would remove a sticker from a drinking glass jar. It worked like a charm. Check out this video where I demonstrate. I'm certain this would work for stickers on cars as well. Just don't rub or scrape harshly.

Related Does WD40 Really Remove Stickers?

What Else Tin can WD-40 Be Used For?

WD-forty has a multitude of uses beyond cleaning and maintaining your car. Hither are a few:

  • Lubricate gardening tools
    After spraying a shovel, trowel, hoe, or fork with WD-40, you will notice that the soil comes off hands. This is specially useful when working with dirt.
  • Making stainless steel and tile sparkle
    Due to WD-forty's chemical makeup, it will rapidly remove stains from stainless steel and tiles. This tin can work a lot better than traditional cleaners.
  • Unstick things
    The lubricant in WD-40 makes information technology an first-class solution to remove things similar chewing glue from carpet and hair or past eliminating residual adhesives from various substrates. Information technology is also great for trying to unstick Lego blocks. A good gardening tip is to spray the inside of pots earlier stacking them – they will come apart easier afterward.
  • Remove rust
    Spraying surface rust with WD-xl can help with its removal. It is best non to apply it on surfaces you may consume from. Information technology is all-time used for hand tools like a circular saw that has rust built upon them.

What Should I Not Use WD-40 For?

If you are like me, when you lot think of WD-xl, yous assume it is for uses related to squeaking chairs or perhaps a creaking door. As it transpires, they aren't actually what WD-forty is designed for, and it really shouldn't be used for these tasks. The master reason against it is due to how easily WD-40 attracts dust. Hither are a couple of common uses that WD-40 isn't the all-time production for:

  • Squeaky Door hinges or desk chairs
    The lubricants will eliminate the squeak for a while. All the same, Wd-40 attracts dust and other particles. Eventually, this will lead to black stains and grime edifice upwards on the hinge.
  • Bike chains
    Y'all will accept the same outcome – grit and clay will adhere to the WD-40. This is dangerous equally the chain tin jerk and effect in an blow/ For safety, employ a wheel-rated lubricant, which typically contains Teflon as a primary ingredient. However, many people practice utilise WD40 on bike chains, with anecdotal show that it works. But use at your ain chance.

Related Tin can You lot Use WD40 on a Bike Chain? | What You Demand To Know.

On some items, such as locks, WD-40 will increase the charge per unit of clothing and tear. Check before you use WD-40 on anything to brand sure information technology won't corrode.

WD40 Being Sprayed on a Bike Chain
This is not a skillful idea, try at your own risk.

Final Thoughts

WD-40 is a combination of hydrocarbons and mineral oil. The product was designed to exist used on paint to protect it from corrosion and rust. It will non harm your auto's paint and can be used to cover up scrapes while helping to protect the surface from dirt, bugs, and bird droppings. Furthermore, WD-forty tin exist used to clean other areas of your automobile and help with the maintenance of bolts, spark plugs, and windshield wipers.

It seems there is no cease to the uses for WD-twoscore. People use it around the business firm to lubricate hinges and pretty much annihilation squeaky. Some people fifty-fifty swear past information technology when fishing! They spray it on their lures and are convinced that it attracts fish. The jury is still out on that one.

I hope you had fun reading this as much equally I enjoyed researching the topic. Thanks for stopping by!

Recommended Products

  • WD-twoscore Cream Version
  • WD-xl 300035 Specialist Corrosion Inhibitor Spray


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